Tuesday, January 29, 2008

meet your future robot overlords

Greetings from Yokohama... which right now... is colder than Dick Cheneys heart. It even snowed, and guess what, skateboarding in the snow is nothing like snowboarding. When you fall, it hurts, a lot. Pavement isn't soft, go figure.

This previous sunday I went to Tokyo and saw the a museum exibit on Robots, and then went to the Honda showroom and met Asimo, our future robot overlord. He walks, talks in a very cute (read disarming) voice, and when you take pictures with him he yells "cheezuu!" Then when you walk away, he says "bai bai!"

Dont put your buisness card in his hands though, aparently he doesnt like that. I saw one gai-jin do just that, and Asimo's body gaurds came running out saying that it is not allowed.

Check out the pictures section for more of my robotic adventures.


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